What is dash 2 trade (D2T)? Your ultimate guide

It’s one of the hot up-and-coming new crypto platforms and tokens, but what is dash 2 trade (D2T)? How does dash 2 trade work? What is Dash 2 Trade used for?
Let’s see what we can tell you about the Ethereum-based D2T token in this article.
FOMO and crypto
Whether the state of apprehension known as fear of missing out, often reduced to its acronym FOMO, is new phenomenon or something as old as humanity itself depends on how you interpret it.
Either way, the idea that one could potentially miss out on something enjoyable, useful or profitable became one of the buzz phrases of the 2010s, as people found themselves assailed by social media to the point where everything seemed to be of vital importance.
Something else that also became a big deal in the 2010s was blockchain technology and, by extension, cryptocurrency.
Again, the concept that there was a way to have money that was not controlled by central banks and traditional financial services became an attractive idea for a fair few people, particularly with the promise that technology could deliver a currency that was secure, transparent and private.
Coupled with this were the stories that began to emerge at that time of early crypto adopters who had been smart enough and lucky enough to profit when crypto prices first went up – something of course that there is no guarantee can happen all of the time.
Now, you may be ahead of us here, but there is a fairly important connection between the world of crypto and the fear of missing out.
Since the price of any cryptocurrency that is not actually a stablecoin can be very volatile, there are some investors who worry about not being able to get their hands on a coin or token when it is on the verge of a significant price increase. After all, who wouldn’t want to buy something cheaply and then be able to sell it for more than they had paid for it?
It must be said at this point that there is no such thing as a guaranteed profit. This is especially true of cryptocurrency, which – thanks to its volatile and mostly unregulated nature – is prone to some serious market swings. Remember, prices can go down as well as up, so be careful about taking what overenthusiastic crypto evangelists might have to say at face value without doing your own thorough research.
What is Dash 2 Trade (D2T)?
Since there is a link between crypto and FOMO, it was perhaps inevitable that a blockchain-based platform would exist that could help solve that problem.
Dash 2 Trade is a system that aims to help people find out what crypto they could be trading at a time before it potentially becomes too fashionable and too expensive. In effect, it is basically a social media platform for crypto traders.
As the platform’s whitepaper says: “With thousands of token projects, the crypto space is awash with competing tokens. As the space moves at high-speed, it can prove challenging to keep up with the speed and volatility of the markets. Many important trading factors can be missed in the midst of the rapid and abundant flow of daily information.
“Signals can come in many different forms and Dash 2 Trade caters to those signals that can have the most actionable impact: listing alerts, presales, technical indicators, social metrics and more.”
People can utilise the site’s technical analysis indicators to gain better insight into what might go up and when – although not necessarily why – as well as being able to see what is gaining traction on such social media sites as Reddit and Twitter.
The system also has a dashboard that keeps track of upcoming presales and other opportunities. The team behind the platform will, the whitepaper says, maintain enough information to allow users to make an informed decision as to whether an upcoming crypto is legitimate or a scam.
To quote the whitepaper: “The Dash 2 Trade team will perform manual scoring of projects, to assess key metrics that cannot be evaluated by automated software.
Dash 2 Trade was founded in 2022 by a team led by CPO Duco van Rossem.
The D2T token explained

Every blockchain-based system needs to have its own native token, and Dash 2 Trade has the conveniently named dash 2 trade cryptocurrency, which will be known by the ticker handle T2T. The people who hold the crypto will be able to access the platform’s dashboard and make use of the other features Dash 2 Trade has, such as social trading challenges, listing alerts and on-chain technical analytics.
The dash 2 trade (D2T) crypto, which went on its initial presale in late October 2022, is based, like the Dash 2 Trade platform, on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. And this means that it is a token, rather than a coin. So while you might see references elsewhere online to the D2T coin or other phrases, such as “what is Dash 2 Trade coin used for”, technically speaking these phrases are incorrect.
Although the dash 2 trade cryptocurrency has not been fully launched yet, the platform does have a roadmap for both the token and the system.
For instance, the D2T token presale launched on 27 October 2022 and, by 7 November, it had raised nearly $5.5m of a target of $8.757m. The initial presale price was 0.0513 tether (USDT), which meant, assuming that tether stayed at its dollar peg, it was worth $0.0513. Once the token reaches its presale target, it will then move up to 0.0533 USDT.
After the presale is completed, Dash 2 Trade will launch its dashboard in a beta stage. This is expected to happen in early 2023. At that point, dash 2 trade (D2T) should be listed on both centralised exchanges (CEX) and decentralised exchanges (DEXs).
It is worth noting that, in November 2022, Dash 2 Trade announced that D2T would be available on the LBank exchange. By the middle of 2024, the network should have an auto trading feature, as well as a mobile app and a messenger facility.
Before we finish, there are some things that are worth keeping in mind. First, if you were to base your opinion of Dash 2 Trade purely on its rather breathless Twitter account, you’d think that the definition of Dash 2 Trade was something involving the future of trading, or investing, or the internet, or anything that used rather too many capital letters and exclamation marks. Now, a thoughtful potential investor might understand that hype is, regrettably, all too often a big part of the crypto world, but not everyone will know that.
Second, people who buy D2T during the presale will have to wait until after the presale is over before they can what will happen to D2T. While this is not uncommon for crypto presales, the fact that D2T at the time of writing could be defined as “a token that doesn’t actually exist yet”, might put people off investing in it at this early stage.
While there is nothing to suggest that it is a scam, it does make sense to be careful when deciding whether or not to invest in D2T at this point.
As always with crypto, it is imperative that do your own research before reaching any investment decision. Remember, prices can, and do, go down as well as up, and you must be careful to never invest more money than you can afford to lose.
How many dash 2 trade tokens are there?
According to the Dash 2 Trade whitepaper, there will be a total supply of one billion D2T.
Who created dash 2 trade?
Dash 2 trade was created by a team led by Duco van Rossem.
Who owns dash 2 trade?
At present, D2T is owned by the team behind the dash 2 trade platform. This will, however, change once the presale is over.
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