Su Prada S.p.A.
Prada SpA is an Italy-based company engaged in fashion industry. The Company is a parent of the Prada Group. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, is engaged in the design, production and distribution of leather goods, handbags, clothing, eyewear, fragrances, footwear and accessories. Prada SpA manufactures jackets, trousers, skirts, dresses, sweaters, blouses, as well as perfumes and watches, among others. The Company trades its products through several brands, such as Prada, Miu Miu, The Church and The Car Shoe. Prada SpA operates in approximately 70 countries through directly operated stores, franchise operated stores, a network of selected multi-brand stores and department stores. Prada Spa operates through a numerous subsidiaries, including Artisans Shoes Srl, IPI Logistica Srl, Prada Far East BV and PRada SA, among others.
Il prezzo attuale dell'azione Prada S.p.A è di 54.9 HKD. Il grafico del titolo permette agli investitori di comprendere meglio la performance e il prezzo dell'azione aiutandoli a prendere decisioni informate nel trading di azioni e CFD.
Scoprite altri titoli con grafici, dati vitali e aggiornamenti dei prezzi in tempo reale: PPHE HOTEL GROUP LIMITED ORD NP, HEXAGON COMPOSITES, Dentsu Group Inc., Sportsmans, Aramark e DBS. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare i profili delle aziende su
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