I CFD sono strumenti complessi associati a un elevato rischio di rapida perdita di denaro a causa della leva finanziaria. 70% degli account di investitori retail perde denaro quando fa trading di CFD con questo fornitore. Occorre valutare se si comprendono le modalità di funzionamento dei CFD e se ci si può permettere di sostenere l’elevato rischio di perdere il proprio denaro. Si veda la nostra Informativa sui rischi
TUI Group is a world leading tourism service provider. Based in Germany, the company operates in more than 180 countries around the globe.
The group boasts a strong operational portfolio mix, divided into five segments. Within their Hotel & Resort segment, TIU operates over 300 luxury hotels and resorts in 30 countries. The Cruises segment offers premium cruises and voyages to the German-speaking and British markets. The Central Region and the Western Region segments comprise an extensive network of tour operators and leisure airlines, spread across the respective European countries. Lastly, the Other Tourism segment develops the company’s IT infrastructure.
TUI shares are traded both on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) on the FTSE index and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. You can learn more info on TUI share price with the Capital.com app.
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