Negozia The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited - 0003 CFD

The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the produces, distributes, and markets gas in Hong Kong and Mainland China. It is involved in the provision of clean fuels, including liquefied natural gas, methanol, and coal and other chemicals; and engages in the conversion and utilization of biomass, and industrial and agricultural waste, as well as operation of natural gas refilling stations, aviation fuel storage facilities, piped city-gas projects, upstream and midstream developments, water and wastewater treatment projects, and energy exploration and utilization ventures. The company operates a pipeline network of 3,600 km gas pipes severing approximately 1.2 million customers. It also provides connectivity, and data center and cloud computing services; and engages in the software development, solution implementation, and systems integration activities. In addition, the company offers consultancy and engineering contractor services, including utilities installation, infrastructure construction, trenchless technologies, and civil and building services engineering for public and private projects, as well as develops and markets proprietary smart gas meter solutions. Further, it is involved in water production and distribution, wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, water reuse, network construction, and purified water businesses; and serves 1.2 million customers through a pipeline network of approximately 7,000 km. Additionally, the company manufactures polyethylene piping and fittings; and engages in the customers center, café, restaurant, retail sale, automatic meter reading system development, laboratory testing, payment gateway and related, project management, landfill gas project, financing, logistics, oil, research and development, property development, and securities investment activities. The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited was founded in 1862 and is headquartered in North Point, Hong Kong.

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