Bitcoin SV rises: BSV up following news of ‘Reddit-killer’ Boardz

The price of bitcoin sv (BSV) was up today (16 December) following the launch of a new global discussion forum Boardz, which is powered by BSV and has already been touted as a “Reddit killer”.
Boardz user, eyeone was the first to float the idea that the new platform could usurp US social news aggregator and discussion website Reddit. “I like how slick and fats the page is,” posted eyeone under the heading “Is this a Reddit killer?”
As of 17:32 GMT on 16 December, BSV was trading at $48.35, up by 2.34% compared with the previous day, according to CoinMarketCap. BSV was also up by 10.31% compared with seven days ago.
The Boardz platform, which has described itself as a place where “people can discuss things under different topics and monetise their content”, had previously announced early adopters would be rewarded through a Boardz BSV wallet. “We just topped-up our BSV wallet to tip you,” tweeted Boardz.
To earn the tips, all users had to do was connect a HandCash wallet to enable payment features and then post content onto Boardz to receive a share of the Boardz Rewardz programme.
However, Boardz is trying to paint itself as an app that everyone can use as it stated “it’s not an app for bitcoin users by bitcoin users. It’s for everyone.” It added:
Boardz said plans for the future included enabling paywalls, integrating non-fungible token (NFT) profile pictures and opening Boardz to other languages.
BSV is a fork of a fork
BSV came about following a hard fork of the bitcoin cash (BCH) blockchain in 2018, which had originally forked from bitcoin (BTC) a year earlier.
According to CoinMarketCap: “The goal of BSV is to fulfil the original vision of the BTC protocol and design as described in Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper, early BTC client software and known Satoshi writings.
“BSV aims to offer scalability and stability in line with the original description of BTC as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, as well as deliver a distributed data network that can support enterprise-level advanced blockchain applications.”
CoinMarketCap added that the “BSV network is unique” due to its “capacity for unbounded on-chain scaling” while at the same time being the most aligned with the original design of BTC than any other blockchain
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