Some versions of similar products are better for long-term investment, while others are better for day trading

What’s sauce for your goose, may not be sauce for the foreign gander: differing corporate cultures make for discreet trading decisions

Tesla should survive as legions of carmakers catch up on EV sales, but other disruptive technologies are on the way

Is the lithium sector at risk of going up in smoke like the cannabis industry, asks Tim Worstall

Tim Worstall on the FTSE 100's international exposure, and why the index inversely correlates with sterling

But this is time arbitrage and, as Keynes said: markets can stay irrational longer than you can remain solvent

Whatever went wrong, investors should note that this doesn't mean the end of the crypto markets - it's just another trading opportunity

Higher rates boost insurers’ premium pools, but inflation raises costs on pay-outs