Handel Hammerson PLC - HMSO CFD

Hammerson PLC (HMSO) is a large property investment and development company headquartered in London, UK, targeting offices and retail premises. Most of the company’s portfolio assets are located in the UK, however, it still has several operations in continental Europe, including Ireland, Spain, Germany, and France. The Hammerson share price is traded on the London Stock Exchange and included in the FTSE 250 Index, as well as in the FTSE EPRA Global Real Estate Index. In 1942, the company was established by Lewis Hammerson under the name L.W. Hammerson & Co investing in the property and turning houses into apartments. Later, it focused on the commercial property sector. The business converted into a real estate investment trust in 2007 when REITs were introduced in the UK. In 2018, Hammerson reported to sell off £1.1 billion of properties as it exits the retail park sector and focuses on the flagship retail segment. As of December 2018, the company's portfolio was valued at £8.7 billion. Get the latest HMSO share price at Capital.com.

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