CFD's zijn complexe instrumenten en houden vanwege de hefboomwerking een hoog risico in op grote verliezen. 67% van de particuliere beleggers verliest geld bij de handel in CFD's met deze aanbieder.U moet nagaan of u wel degelijk begrijpt hoe CFD's werken en of u zich het hoge risico op geldverlies kunt veroorloven. Raadpleeg onze risicoverklaring
Handelen iShares China Large Cap ETF (Extended hours) - FXI CFD
iShares China Large-Cap ETF (the Fund) is an exchange-traded fund. The Fund seeks investment results that correspond generally to the price and yield performance, before fees and expenses, of the FTSE China 25 Index (the Underlying Index). The Fund's portfolio of sectors include Financials, Telecommunication, Oil & gas, Technology and Consumer goods. The underlying Index is designed to represent the performance of the companies in the Chinese equity market, which are available to the international investors. The underlying Index consists of 25 Chinese companies. BlackRock Fund Advisors (BFA) is the investment advisor of the Fund.
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