CFD's zijn complexe instrumenten en houden vanwege de hefboomwerking een hoog risico in op grote verliezen. 67% van de particuliere beleggers verliest geld bij de handel in CFD's met deze aanbieder.U moet nagaan of u wel degelijk begrijpt hoe CFD's werken en of u zich het hoge risico op geldverlies kunt veroorloven. Raadpleeg onze risicoverklaring
Hochtief AG is a Germany-based holding company engaged in the construction industry. Through its subsidiaries, Hochtief delivers construction and civil engineering projects for the transportation, energy and urban infrastructure industries, as well as the mining industry. It operates three business divisions: Hochtief Americas coordinates construction activities in the United States, Canada and Brazil; Hochtief Asia Pacific covers construction activities in Asia and Australia involving building, infrastructure and contract mining projects, and Hochtief Europe conducts construction projects in Europe and select regions worldwide, involving real estate and transport infrastructure, such as tunnels, bridges, airports, marine ports and sports stadiums. The Company operates a number of subsidiaries, notably Turner Construction Co., Flatiron Construction Corp., CIMIC Group Ltd., and Hochtief Infrastructure GmbH, It operates as a subsidiary of Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA.
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