CFD's zijn complexe instrumenten en houden vanwege de hefboomwerking een hoog risico in op grote verliezen. 67% van de particuliere beleggers verliest geld bij de handel in CFD's met deze aanbieder.U moet nagaan of u wel degelijk begrijpt hoe CFD's werken en of u zich het hoge risico op geldverlies kunt veroorloven. Raadpleeg onze risicoverklaring
Dana Gas PJSC (ADX: DANA) is one of the Middle East’s largest independent natural gas companies, playing a vital role in the region’s energy sector. Specialising in exploration, production, and processing, the company supplies clean and efficient natural gas to support economic and industrial growth across key markets. With operations spanning the UAE, Egypt, and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Dana Gas focuses on sustainable energy solutions, leveraging advanced technologies to optimise production and efficiency. Its commitment to responsible energy development ensures environmental sustainability while meeting the growing demand for natural gas. Driven by innovation and strategic expansion, Dana Gas continues to strengthen its position as a key contributor to the region’s energy security and long-term economic development.
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