Handelen Soybean Meal CFD

Soybean meal is widely-used in poultry and livestock feeding diets. It has become a major ingredient of the fodder for livestock and fish. Soybean meal is manufactured by grinding qualitative residues, left from soybean oil production, and looks like a yellowish-green flour. It is considered a good supplement of protein and is used all over the world. The meal has also a good amino acid balance and general nutrient content. Soybean meal futures are traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Globex) under the ticker symbol ZM. The contract size comprises 100 short tonnes (91 metric tonnes). Get real-time data on the soybean meal prices at Capital.com.

Undated commodities are priced using the front two futures contracts, and are subject to a daily adjustment at 22:00 UK time. This adjustment offsets one day's movement between the two futures contracts and is made separately to the overnight charge.

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