Handelen Platinum Spot CFD

Platinum is one of the world's rarest and most expensive commodities. It was first mentioned in 1557 by Italian scholar Julius Caesar Scaliger. Since then Platinum has earned wide worldwide recognition for its resilience to heat, high electrical conductivity, and low rate of oxidation. In the world of trading, this commodity is associated with high volatility due its wild price swings. Firstly, its price heavily relies on popular tastes, for more than a half of all mined Platinum is used for jewellery. Secondly, since it plays a key role in catalytic converters and fuel-cells, its value syncs with the growth of the electric car market. Finally, Platinum’s high melting point has sparked a new demand for the rare metal across the photography and electronics sectors. Refer to the Platinum CFD price chart to learn the latest news on the precious metal.

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