CFD's zijn complexe instrumenten en houden vanwege de hefboomwerking een hoog risico in op grote verliezen. 67% van de particuliere beleggers verliest geld bij de handel in CFD's met deze aanbieder.U moet nagaan of u wel degelijk begrijpt hoe CFD's werken en of u zich het hoge risico op geldverlies kunt veroorloven. Raadpleeg onze risicoverklaring
30 times rarer than gold, palladium is a precious metal, whose majority supply comes from Russia, the USA, Canada, and South Africa. Palladium as component is widely used in electronics, jewellery, medicine, and chemical industries. The metal speeds up chemical reactions, that’s why the largest industrial application of palladium is in automobile catalytic converters. Investors have turned their attention to palladium as a commodity and trading instrument as the metal can hardly be substituted. View details about the palladium CFDs at
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