What is the Report of Anton R. Valukas?
This was a report into the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers. The 2,200-page document was made available to the public in March 2010.
Where have you heard about the Report of Anton R. Valukas?
Lehman's was the largest bankruptcy filing in US history and a key event in the 2008 financial crisis. At the time of its release, Valukas's document was the most important report into the collapse.
What you need to know about the Report of Anton R. Valukas.
Valukas is a former US attorney who became the chairman of Chicago-based law firm Jenner & Block in 2007. He was appointed bankruptcy examiner for Lehman Brothers in 2009. His report found there were "many reasons Lehman failed, and the responsibility is shared". According to the report, problems at Lehman ranged from errors in business judgement to "deliberate balance sheet manipulation". Valukas found that Lehman's business model rewarded "excessive risk taking" and that several high-profile executives were at fault, including chief executive Dick Fuld.
Find out more about the Report of Anton R. Valukas.
To understand Lehman's collapse and the US financial crash, see our guide to subprime mortgages.
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