Handel The New York Times Company - NYT CFD

The New York Times Company, together with its subsidiaries, provides news and information for readers and viewers across various platforms worldwide. The company provides The New York Times (The Times), a daily and Sunday newspaper in the United States, as well as international edition of The Times; and operates the NYTimes.com Website. It also transmits articles, graphics, and photographs from The Times and other publications to approximately 1,800 newspapers, magazines, and Websites; and offers magazine licensing, news digests, book development, and rights and permissions. In addition, the company engages in the NYT Live business, a platform for its live journalism; and digital archive distribution, which licenses electronic databases to resellers in the business, professional, and library markets. Further, it develops mobile applications, including Crossword and Cooking products; and operates Wirecutter, a product review and recommendation Website that serves as a guide to technology gear, home products, and other consumer goods, as well as offers digital marketing agency and other products and services. The New York Times Company was founded in 1896 and is headquartered in New York, New York.

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