Handel Southern Copper Corporation - SCCO CFD

Southern Copper Corporation engages in mining, exploring, smelting, and refining copper and other minerals in Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Ecuador. The company is involved in the mining, milling, and flotation of copper ore to produce copper and molybdenum concentrates; smelting of copper concentrates to produce blister and anode copper; refining of anode copper to produce copper cathodes; production of molybdenum concentrate and sulfuric acid; production of refined silver, gold, and other materials; and mining and processing of zinc and lead. It operates the Toquepala and Cuajone open-pit mines, and a smelter and refinery in Peru; and La Caridad, an open-pit copper mine, as well as a copper ore concentrator, a SX-EW plant, a smelter, refinery, and a rod plant. The company also operates Buenavista, an open-pit copper mine, as well as two copper concentrators and three SX-EW plants in Mexico. In addition, it operates five underground mines that produce zinc, lead, copper, silver, and gold; a coal mine that produces coal and coke; and a zinc refinery. It has interests in 44,182 hectares of exploration concessions in Peru; 148,122 hectares of exploration concessions in Mexico; 64,899 hectares of exploration concessions in Argentina; 36,387 hectares of exploration concessions in Chile; and 7,298 hectares of exploration concessions in Ecuador. The company was founded in 1952 and is based in Phoenix, Arizona. Southern Copper Corporation is a subsidiary of Americas Mining Corporation.

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Polecam wszystkim możesz zacząć już od 20f szybka wpłata wypłata żadnych komplikacji dodatkowo edukacja i pomoc.. oby jak najwięcej takich uczciwych firm


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Brak problemów z wypłacaniem pieniędzy, pomoc odzywa się od razu i wyjaśnia wszelkie problemy. Serdecznie polecam ;)

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fajna aplikacja tryb demo jest idealny dla początkujących.

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Ok platforma jak i wpłata depozytu i wypłata jest w miarę błyskawiczne, jak narazie będę korzystał z tej platformy.


Działa i to się liczy. Obsługa pomaga zawsze na czas.

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Jest powazna firma i bardzo pomocna ,pomaga rozwiazac problemy,podpowiada konkretne wyjscia,na kazde pytanie odpowiada,nikogo nie lekcewazy

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jestem zadowolona ,platforma uczciwa,rzetelna,profesjonalna,
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Fajna platforma i bardzo dobrze widoczna


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