Handel Pluri Inc. - PLUR CFD

Pluristem Therapeutics Inc., together with its subsidiary, Pluristem Ltd., operates as a bio-therapeutics company in Israel. It focuses on the research, development, clinical trial, and manufacture of cell therapeutic products and related technologies for the treatment of various ischemic, inflammatory, and hematologic conditions, as well as autoimmune disorders. The company develops PLacental eXpanded (PLX) cell therapy products, including PLX-PAD cells, which is Phase III clinical trial for the treatment of critical limb ischemia (CLI) in patients unsuitable for revascularization, recovery after surgery for hip fracture, and acute radiation syndrome (ARS), as well as peripheral and cardiovascular, and orthopedic diseases. It also develops PLX-R18 cells that is in Phase I clinical trial for incomplete hematopoietic recovery following hematopoietic cell transplantation, as well as conducts various animal studies for the evaluation of PLX-R18 for the treatment of ARS. The company has a license and commercialization agreement for conducting clinical trials and commercialization of its PLX-PAD product in South Korea related to the treatment CLI and intermediate claudication; and nTRACK, a collaborative project with Leitat to examine gold nano particles labeling of stem cells. It also has collaboration agreements with the NASA''s Ames Research Center to evaluate the potential of PLX cell therapies in preventing and treating medical conditions caused during space missions; and BIH Center for Regenerative Therapy and Berlin Center for Advanced Therapies to expand its framework and research agreement, as well as conduct a joint project evaluating the therapeutic effects of the registrant''s patented PLX cell product candidates for treatment of the respiratory and inflammatory complications associated with the COVID-19 coronavirus. Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. was founded in 2001 and is based in Haifa, Israel.

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