Handel Petrofac Ltd - PFC CFD

Petrofac (PFC) is a provider of oilfield services to the international gas and oil industries. The company’s operations are divided into three divisions: Engineering & Production Services (EPS), Integrated Energy Services (IES), and Engineering & Construction (E&C). Headquartered in London, England, it has operational centres in India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuala Lumpur and across the UK. Additionally, it runs another 24 offices worldwide. The Petrofac share price has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since 2005. It is also a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The company’s history started in 1981 when it was founded as a producer of a modular plant in the US. Through acquisitions and partnerships, the business has majorly expanded over the years. In 2018, the company’s annual revenue was circa $5.83 billion. Check out Capital.com for the latest PFC share price chart.secondary investment funds, and special situations funds worldwide. The trust mainly focuses on investments in Europe, the US, Asia, and North America. It typically invests in funds specializing in unquoted investments and acquiring unquoted portfolios. Interesting fact: founded in 1987, the company was the first private equity fund-of-funds investment trust in the UK. The Pantheon International share price is listed on the London Stock Exchange and included in the FTSE 250 Index. To keep on top of the PFC share price, stay tuned to updates at Capital.com.

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