Handel Marubeni Corporation - 8002 CFD

Marubeni Corporation engages in various business activities worldwide. The company trades in grains, feed ingredients, compound feeds, foods, agricultural and marine products, processed seafood, fresh and processed meat, and raw ingredients and materials; and apparel, footwear, lifestyle, and textile and industrial materials. It also provides agri-inputs, subcontracting and agriculture services, technical services, crop protection product formulations, fertilizer raw materials, and oilseeds; ICT and real estate services; petrochemicals and plastics, salts and chlor-alkalis, life science products, electronic materials, and inorganic mineral resources and chemicals; and wood chips, biomass fuels, pulp and waste papers, paper, paperboards, and building and construction materials. In addition, the company explores for, develops, and produces oil and gas; trades in, distributes, and markets petroleum and LPG; develops uranium, nuclear fuel cycle, iron ore, coal, and copper mines, as well as related equipment sales and services; smelts and refines aluminum; trades in iron ore, coal, ferroalloy, ferrous raw materials, non-ferrous metals, ingots and related products, and steel products; and leases temporary steel construction materials. Further, it offers engineering, procurement, and construction, as well as operation and maintenance services for plants and other facilities; invests in the oil and gas, transportation infrastructure, and water projects; and manages infrastructure funds, as well as engages in the circular economy, power generation, renewable energy, power service and retail, natural gas, hydrogen, ammonia, municipal solid waste, and thermal energy storage businesses. Additionally, the company owns, purchases, operates, leases, sells, and charters aerospace and ship products; and sells, trades in, leases, finances, and services construction and industrial machinery, and automotive products. The company was founded in 1858 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

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