Handel Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft - DB CFD

Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft provides investment, financial, and related products and services to private individuals, corporate entities, and institutional clients worldwide. It operates through three segments: Corporate & Investment Bank (CIB), Private & Commercial Bank (PCB), and Deutsche Asset Management. The company's CIB segment offers financial market products, such as bonds, equities and equity-linked products, exchange-traded and over-the-counter derivatives, foreign exchange, money market instruments, and structured products. This segments also offers commercial banking, mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity advisory and origination, and cash management services; and trade finance and securities services. Its PCB segment offers payment and current account services, investment and insurance products, deposits, and credit and financing products; mid-cap related products; customized wealth management and investment solutions consisting of discretionary portfolio management, investment advices, and currency and deposit services; start-up and structured financing; interest rate and currency management services; and postal and non-banking services. This segments also offers financing solutions, such as real estate, single-stock, and aircraft financing; and mergers and acquisitions, pre-IPO, private placements, private and public investment solutions, structured lending, and trading and hedging products. In addition, the PCB segments provides wealth structuring, wealth transfer, and philanthropy services. Its Deutsche Asset Management segment invests in equities, fixed income, liquidity, real estate, infrastructure, private equity, and sustainable investments; and delivers alpha and beta solutions. As of December 31, 2017, the company operated 2,425 branches in 60 countries. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1870 and is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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