Handel Cineverse Corp - CNVS CFD

Cineverse Corp is a distributor and aggregator of independent movie, television and other short form content managing a library of distribution rights to thousands of titles and episodes released across digital, physical, and home and mobile entertainment platforms. The Company also provides digital cinema assets servicing on over 12,000 domestic and foreign movie screens. It operates through four segments: first digital cinema deployment (Phase I Deployment), the second digital cinema deployment (Phase II Deployment), digital cinema services and media content and entertainment group. It collaborates with producers, brands and other content owners to market, source, curate and distribute content to targeted audiences. It distributes content through existing and emerging digital home entertainment platforms and packaged distribution of DVD and Blu-ray discs to wholesalers and retailers and mortar storefronts. It also operates a branded and curated over-the-top entertainment channels.

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