Handel China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation - 0386 CFD

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, an energy and chemical company, engages in the oil and gas, and chemical operations and businesses in the People's Republic of China. It operates through five segments: Exploration and Production, Refining, Marketing and Distribution, Chemicals, and Corporate and Others. The company explores and develops oil fields; produces crude oil and natural gas; processes and purifies crude oil; and manufactures and sells petroleum products. It also owns and operates oil depots and service stations; and distributes and sells refined petroleum products, including gasoline and diesel through wholesale and retail sales networks. In addition, the company manufactures and sells petrochemical and derivative petrochemical products; and other chemical products, such as basic organic chemicals, synthetic resins, synthetic fiber monomers and polymers, synthetic fibers, synthetic rubber, and chemical fertilizers. Further, it is involved in the pipeline transportation and sale of petroleum and natural gas; production, sale, storage, and transportation of refinery and coal chemical products; the import and export of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products, petrochemical and chemical products, and other commodities and technologies; research, development, and application of technologies and information; production and sale of catalyst products, lubricant base oil, polyester chips and fibers, plastics, and intermediate petrochemical products; production, sale, research, and development of ethylene and downstream byproducts; and coal chemical industry investment management activities. The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Beijing, the People's Republic of China. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation is a subsidiary of China Petrochemical Corporation.

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Polecam wszystkim możesz zacząć już od 20f szybka wpłata wypłata żadnych komplikacji dodatkowo edukacja i pomoc.. oby jak najwięcej takich uczciwych firm


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