Handel China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd. - 1988 CFD

China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. provides various financial products and services to individuals, corporate customers, government agencies, and financial institutions in the People's Republic of China. The company operates through four segments: Corporate Banking, Personal Banking, Treasury, and Others. Its deposit products include saving accounts, deposit certificates, contracted deposits, agreement deposits, call deposits, corporate term deposits, and corporate current deposits. The company also offers personal housing mortgage, individual automobile purchase, household composite consumption, medium and long term, and short-term working capital loans, and micro-credit products for individuals; trust, trade-related products, and foreign currency services; and debit and credit cards. In addition, it provides foreign exchange trading, interest rate and foreign exchange derivatives transactions, money market transactions, proprietary trading, and asset-liability management services, as well as Internet, mobile, and telephone banking services. Further, the company offers gross settlement; wages distribution agency and letter of guarantee; cash management; trade finance; industrial chain finance; and comprehensive credit granting, forex settlement and sale, financial product investment, and trust financing services. Additionally, it provides convenient finance, investment banking, and asset management services, as well as non-financial services in education, business travel, traveler, art, luxury life, health, club, and isports areas. As of December 31, 2017, the company had 131 branches, 1,145 business outlets, 1,622 community sub-branches, 154 small business sub-branches, and 4,485 self-service banks. China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd. was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Beijing, the People's Republic of China.

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