Handel Braze, Inc. - BRZE CFD

Braze, Inc. operates a customer engagement platform that provides interactions between consumers and brands worldwide. It provides data ingestion products, such as Braze software development kits that automatically manage data ingestion and the delivery of mobile and web notifications, in-application/in-browser interstitial messages, and content cards, as well as can be integrated into a range of digital interfaces and application development frameworks; REST API that can be used to import or export data or to trigger workflows between Braze and brands'' existing technology stacks; and partner cohort syncing, which allow brands to sync user cohorts from partners. The company also offers classification products, including segmentation that can define reusable segments of consumers based upon attributes, events, or predictive propensity scores; segment insights, which allows customers to analyze how segments are performing relative to each other across a set of pre-selected key performance indicators, as well as helps to understand the factors that determine which consumers belong to a particular segment; and predictive suite that allows customers to identify groups of consumers that are of critical business value. In addition, it provides orchestration products, which include Canvas, an orchestration tool that allows customers to create journeys, map out multi-steps, and cross-channel messaging experiences comprise onboarding flows, nurture campaigns, win-back strategies, and others; campaigns, which allow customers to send one set of single-channel or multi-channel messages to be delivered to customers in a particular user segment; and event and API triggering, frequency capping and rate limiting, intelligent selection, reporting and analytics, personalization, and action products. The company was formerly known as Appboy, Inc. and changed its name to Braze, Inc. in November 2017. Braze, Inc. was incorporated in 2011 and is headquartered in New York, New York.

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Polecam wszystkim możesz zacząć już od 20f szybka wpłata wypłata żadnych komplikacji dodatkowo edukacja i pomoc.. oby jak najwięcej takich uczciwych firm


Klarowna, pomocna informacja i usluga oraz kontakt na bardzo dobrym poziomie. Polecam


Brak problemów z wypłacaniem pieniędzy, pomoc odzywa się od razu i wyjaśnia wszelkie problemy. Serdecznie polecam ;)

D****** D******

fajna aplikacja tryb demo jest idealny dla początkujących.

T**** T****

Ok platforma jak i wpłata depozytu i wypłata jest w miarę błyskawiczne, jak narazie będę korzystał z tej platformy.


Działa i to się liczy. Obsługa pomaga zawsze na czas.

P******** M****

Świetna aplikacja do zarabiania można startować od małych kwot naprawdę polecam

D***** R****

Jest powazna firma i bardzo pomocna ,pomaga rozwiazac problemy,podpowiada konkretne wyjscia,na kazde pytanie odpowiada,nikogo nie lekcewazy

B***** S*********

jestem zadowolona ,platforma uczciwa,rzetelna,profesjonalna,
pomocna, wiarygodna,polecam z cala odpowiedzialnoscia


Fajna platforma i bardzo dobrze widoczna


Dopiero zaczynam i zapoznaje się z aplikacją ale z każdą chwilą jest coraz bardziej mi się podoba

G******* K****

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