What is the OMXC20 index?
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange is a member of the OMX Exchange group and the OMXC20 is the top-tier stock index of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.
The OMX Copenhagen 20, to give the index its full name, is made up of the exchange's 20 most actively traded stocks. The index is market value weighted and free float adjusted.
Where have you heard about the OMXC20?
You'll see analysts pay close attention to it when reviewing the performance of the Danish economy, or that of a particular Nordic company. It's one of the Nordic region's more high-profile stock indices.
What you need to know about the OMXC20.
The history of the index goes as far back as July 1989, when it was given a base value of 100. It breached 500 for the first time in 2007, before falling back to 230 during the worth of the financial crisis in 2009. It broke through the 1,000 barrier for the first time in 2015.
The membership of the OMXC20 is revised twice a year, ensuring it accurately reflects the most actively traded stocks on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. Investors are able to base futures and options contracts on the index, using it as an underlying asset.
Aside from shares, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange also allows for trading in things like fixed income instruments and derivatives.
Find out more about the OMXC20.
The OMXC20 is one of the major stock indices in the Nordic area. For another example, see OMXS30 index.
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