YZJ Shipbldg SGD Company profile
Track the YZJ Shipbldg share price today and spot the best levels for profitable CFD trades
Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd is a shipping conglomerate involved primarily in the construction of multiple types of cargo vessels in China with supplementary divisions operating in leasing activities, logistical services and real estate transactions. Since its founding in 1956 Yangzijiang has become one of the largest shipbuilding companies in China and has served customers throughout the world.
The company was listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange mainboard in 2007. It operates four main shipbuilding facilities in China focused on the production of mid to large size container vessels as well as a multitude of specialised off-shore oil and gas facilities and equipment.
The company also operates in four other main business segments. These segments include a finance based lending service primarily targeted at large customers of the manufacturing operation; a contract cargo hauling and transfer division which moves bulk, container and specialised liquid cargo across the globe; a ship demolition and repurposing unit which repairs and reutilises retired ships for modern purposes; as well as a trading division involved in the transport, trade and sale of various goods.
The BS6 share price has traded within the 52-week range of S$0.82-S$1.31 at an average volume of close to 893 million shares per month. The stock has risen steadily since the beginning of 2021, starting the year at S$0.965 and rising to S$1.290 as of late March.
YZJ has a market capitalisation of just over $5 billion Singapore dollars and posted a net income of S$518 million in 2020. Revenues were down considerably in 2020 as orders for new ships declined due to the downturn in economic activity. The company produced revenues of S$14 billion in 2020, compared to S$23 billion in 2019.
The latest BS6 stock chart is listed on the main board of the Singapore Stock Exchange, under the ticker symbol BS6. By accessing the live price chart on Capital.com you can access the YZJ shipbldg SGD share price in real time.
You can trade YZJ now with CFDs and open a long or short position, depending on whether you feel the price will rise or fall. CFDs allow you to profit from upward or downward fluctuations in the Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings (BS6) stock price on the SGX at Capital.com. Track the BS6 stock price and include this Chinese-based, Singapore-listed multinational shipbuilding company in your investment portfolio.
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