Ypsomed Company profile
About Ypsomed Holding AG
Ypsomed Holding AG is a Switzerland-based holding company engaged in the manufacture of injection pens for pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The Company develops and manufactures injection systems for custom-made self-administration, and markets pen needles for the treatment of diabetes, growth disorders or infertility, as well as therapeutic areas. The Company operates two business segments: Injection Systems and Diabetes Care. In the Injection Systems segment, the Company's YDS Ypsomed Delivery Systems offer a range of ready-to-use injection systems for pharmaceutical and biotech companies to administer of drugs or to develop and manufacture them in line with customer requirements. The Diabetes Care segment markets products such as pen needles or insulin pump to diabetics, doctors and health insurance providers. The Company operates its production sites in Burgdorf, Solothurn, Grenchen and Tabor, and sales and distribution network across Europe.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 September 2021, YpsomedHolding AG revenues increased 12% to SF222.6M. Net incomeincreased 7% to SF7.1M. Revenues reflect Diabetes Caresegment increase of 13% to SF95.2M, Delivery Systemssegment increase of 9% to SF118.3M. Net income waspartially offset by Marketing and sales expenses increaseof 7% to SF32.7M (expense), Gains from sale of securitiesdecrease of 98% to SF49K (income).
Equity composition
09/2006, Capital repayment of CHF 1.25 and nominal valuechanged from CHF 11.6. 08/2005, Capital repayment of CHF0.9 & Nominal value changed from CHF 12.5. 06/2009, RightsIssue, 1 new share for every 8 shares held. (Factor: 1.0).07/2009, Nominal value changed from EUR 9.75.
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