Xinyi Solar Company profile
About Xinyi Solar Holdings Ltd
Xinyi Solar Holdings Limited is an investment holding company principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of solar glass. Along with subsidiaries, the Company operates its business through three segments. The Sales of Solar Glass segment is involved in the production and sale of solar glass products. The solar glass products include ultra-clear processed glass (PV) raw glass, as well as other PV processed glass such as ultra-clear PV tempered glass, ultra-clear PV anti-reflective coating glass and back glass. The Solar Farm and Solar Power Generation segment is involved in the operation of utility-scale ground mounted solar farms. The Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) Services segment is engaged in the provision of EPC services for solar farms.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, Xinyi Solar Holdings Ltd revenues increased 30% to HK$16.06B. Net income increased 8% to HK$4.92B. Revenues reflect an increase in demand for the Company's products and services due to favorable market conditions. Net income was partially offset by Selling and marketing expenses increase of 67% to HK$527.4M (expense), Amounts capitalised on qualifying assets decrease of 45% to HK$21.1M (income).
Equity composition
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