Thomson Medical Company profile
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Thomson Medical Group Limited is one of the largest healthcare service providers in the South-East Asian region with operations in Malaysia and Singapore. Headquartered in Singapore, the Group’s healthcare divisions include Thomson Medical and TMC Life Sciences Berhad.
Founded in 1979, Thomson Medical is the leading provider of healthcare services for children and women in Singapore. The company operates the notorious Thomson Medical Centre, which is focused in the areas of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics, and a network of specialist medical facilities and clinics in Singapore. Thomson Medical offers health screening services, diagnostic imaging, gynecological oncology, specialist dermatology, dentistry, musculoskeletal and sports medicine, medical aesthetics and traditional Chinese medicine.
TMC Life Sciences Berhad operates as a multidisciplinary healthcare company, which is listed on Bursa Malaysia. It manages a tertiary Tropicana Medical Centre and the award-winning TMC Fertility Centre, which is a leading provider of assisted reproduction services in Malaysia. TMC Life Sciences also manages Thomson Iskander Medical Hub, which operates as an integrated educational, medical and wellness hub.
Over the years, Thomson Medical Group has broadened its activity to include new services to care for women beyond maternity, to transform into Asia’s preferred health system. The Group owns a 9.23 hectare freehold waterfront land in Johor Bahru’s City Centre. It is planning to build an integrated healthcare city, which will be able to meet the growing healthcare needs of the people in the region.
Thomson Medical stock price is listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange under the ticker symbol A50. With, you can access the Thomson Medical Group share price in real time.
Looking at the Thomson Medical stock performance at the beginning of 2021, we can note that the first quarter was a very bullish period for the A50 stock. The price of the Thomson Medical Group stock surged from 0.050 SGD on January 1, 2021 to 0.12 SGD on March 2, 2021. In the last 1-year period the Thomson Medical stock price fluctuated within a range of 0.038-0.12 SGD.
According to the half-year financial statement announcement for the period ended December 31, 2020, the Group’s revenue declined by 1.3 per cent to $116.6m compared to $118.2m for the same period in 2019. The decrease was mainly driven by the lower patient loads in Malaysia and Singapore due to restrictions imposed by the authorities in an effort to contain the Covid-19 virus. Meanwhile, the company’s EBITDA increased by 32.6 per cent from $24m to $31.9m due to the received grants and property tax rebates granted by the Singapore government to support employers.
You can trade A50 shares today with CFDs directly from the interactive Thomson Medical share price chart at Follow the Thomson Medical share price live and decide whether to open a long or a short trade, depending on the stock’s performance. Track the A50 stock and include this Singapore-based healthcare company in your investment portfolio.
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