T Rowe Company profile
About T Rowe Price Group Inc
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. is a financial services holding company. The Company provides global investment management services through its subsidiaries to investors across the world. It provides a range of United States mutual funds, sub advised funds, separately managed accounts, collective investment trusts, and other products, which include open-ended investment products offered to investors outside the United States and products offered through variable annuity life insurance plans in the United States. The Company distributes its products in countries located within three geographical regions: Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Asia Pacific (APAC). It also offers specialized advisory services, including management of stable value investment contracts and a distribution management service for the disposition of equity securities its clients receive from third-party venture capital investment pools. It serves clients in approximately 51 countries across the world.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, T Rowe Price Group Inc revenues increased 24% to $7.67B. Net income applicable to common stockholders increased 30% to $3B. Revenues reflect Fees for Other Customer Services increase of 25% to $7.1B, Administrative, distribution, and servic increase of 12% to $573.8M. Net income benefited from Net gains on investments - Balancing increase from $27.9M to $59.2M (income).
Equity composition
Common Stock $.20 Par, 04/11, 750M auth., 259,750,308 issd,. Insiders control 3.5%. IPO 4/86, 1,250,000 shares @ $24 by Goldman, Sachs & Co. 5/98, 5/96, 11/93, 12/89, 2-for-1 stock splits. 06/06, 2-for-1 stock split.
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