Sealed Air Company profile
About Sealed Air Corp
Sealed Air Corporation is a provider of packaging materials, equipment and systems, and services. The Company operates through two segments: Food and Protective. The Food segment offers packaging materials and automated equipment solutions to provide food safety, extend shelf life and automate processes. The Protective segment offers packaging solutions that are marketed under SEALED AIR brand, BUBBLE WRAP brand, AUTOBAG brand and other trade names and product families, including BUBBLE WRAP brand inflatable packaging, SEALED AIR brand performance shrink films, AUTOBAG brand bagging systems, Instapak polyurethane foam packaging solutions and Korrvu suspension and retention packaging. In addition, it provides temperature assurance packaging solutions under the Kevothermal and TempGuard brands. Its packaging solutions are sold to an array of end markets including protein, foods, fluids, medical and life sciences, pet care, ecommerce and logistics, and industrials.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, Sealed Air Corp revenues increased 13% to $5.53B. Net income applicable to common stockholders excluding extraordinary items increased 2% to $491.2M. Revenues reflect Product Care segment increase of 17% to $2.42B, Food Care segment increase of 10% to $3.11B, EMEA segment increase of 16% to $1.2B, APAC segment increase of 10% to $811.5M. Net income was partially offset by G/L on Invest HFS.
Equity composition
Common Stock $.10 Par, 04/11, 400M auth., 170,550,449issd., less 10,396,107 shares in Treas. @ $374.7M. Insiders control 1.63%. 3/98, Co. formed through an acq. of Sealed Air Corp. FY '00 Qs are reclassified. 9/03 = 9 months. 03/07, 2-for-1 stock split.
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