Resona Holdings, Inc. Company profile
About Resona Holdings Inc
Resona Holdings, Inc. is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the provision of financial service. The Company operates in four business segments. The Individual segment focuses on the provision of consulting service related to personal loans, asset management and asset succession. The Corporate segment focuses on loans for corporate, asset management utilizing trust, real estate business, corporate pension, business succession, and support of business growth. The Market segment is engaged in the procurement and operation of funds, foreign exchange, bonds and derivatives through financial markets. The Kansai Mirai Financial Group segment engages in banking business, including deposit business and lending business in the Kansai region.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the nine months ended 31 December 2021, Resona Holdings Inc interest income increased 2% to Y327.25B. Net interest income after loan loss provision increased 7% to Y298.41B. Net income applicable to common stockholders increased 30% to Y126.55B. Net interest income after loan loss provision reflects Other Interest Income increase of 25% to Y24.56B, Int.&Div.-Securities increase of 10% to Y36.89B.
Equity composition
10/01/02, New name registered after mergering with Kinki Osaka, Nara, and Asahi Bank. FY'99,'00&'01 reflects only The Daiwa Bank Ltd. FY'03 reflects Resona Holdings, Ltd. Capital Asequacy N/A. FY'08 1&3Q's WAS=O/S. FY'07 AR & '08 2Q & AR WAS & DWAS were estimated. FY'08 3Q DWAS were estimated. 01/2009, 100-for-1 stock split.
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