Raffles Medical Company profile
Track the Raffles Medical share price today and spot the best levels for profitable CFD trades
Raffles Medical Group Ltd is a full spectrum health services company founded in Singapore in 1976. The company served over 2 million clients in 2020 with operations in 14 cities across five countries. As with many other companies, Raffles Medical initially suffered greatly from closures enacted due to the coronavirus pandemic. The company was unable to offer any non-essential health services which form a large part of its revenue.
After an initial period of closures the company was able to devise new income streams through providing Covid testing to migrant workers and other travellers entering the Southeast Asian countries where they have operations. The company is currently the largest private health care services provider in Singapore.
Raffles Medical stock price was listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange mainboard on April 11, 1997 and trades under the ticker symbol BSL. Raffles Medical operates three primary business lines. The first is healthcare, which offers insurance services, pharmaceutical products and services as well as aftercare coverage for patients. The hospital division offers emergency and surgery services as well as medical devices for patient use. Finally the company has an active investment division, primarily dealing with the real estate holdings of the group.
The Raffles Medical (BSL) stock has traded within the 52-week range of S$0.75 - S$1.14 at an average volume of close to 53 million shares per day. The stock began 2021 at S$0.995 before dipping to a low of S$0.925 near the end of January and then rising steadily to S$1.09 by late March.
BSL has a market capitalisation of just over $2 billion Singapore dollars and posted a net income of S$65 million in 2020. Revenues increased to S$568 million in 2020, up 8.8 per cent from the previous year.
The latest BSL stock chart is updated on the SGX as well as on Capital.com. By accessing the live price chart on Capital.com you can view the Raffles Medical Group share price in real time.
You can trade BSL now with CFDs and open a long or short position, depending on whether you feel the price will rise or fall. CFDs allow you to profit from upward or downward fluctuations in the Raffles Medical (SGX) stock price at Capital.com. Track the BSL stock price and include this Singapore-founded multinational medical services company in your investment portfolio.
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