Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Company profile
About Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corp
Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corp is a provider of fixed and mobile voice related services, regional communications services, long distance and international communications business, data communications business and other business. The Company operates in five segments. Mobile Communications segment conducts mobile voice related services and sale of telecommunications equipment. Regional Communications segment provides fixed voice related services and other services. Long Distance and International Communications segment comprises fixed voice related services and international communications services, solution and other services. Data Communications segment comprises system integration services and network system service. Other segment comprises real estate rentals, financial business, systems development and other services related to research and development.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the nine months ended 31 December 2021, Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corp revenues increased 2% to Y8.923T. Net income increased 24% to Y1.03T. Revenues reflect Data Communications Services segment increase of 11% to Y1.734T, Regional Communication Services segment increase of 2% to Y1.827T. Net income benefited from Data Communications Services segment income increase of 56% to Y167.09B.
Equity composition
FY'03, Co's acct'g changed from Japanese to US GAAP. FY'04 WAS adjusted. FY'05 1Q WAS&DPS&O/S were estimated. FY03&04 I/S reclass. due to presentation change. FY'08 1Q WAS estimated and used as O/S.FY'08 reported WAS=Y46,107.27 FY'08 Q1 WAS=o/s. 01/2009, 100-for-1 stock split.
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