Nektar Company profile
About Nektar Therapeutics
Nektar Therapeutics is a research-based biopharmaceutical company, which is focused on discovering and developing medicines in areas of unmet medical need. The Company's research and development pipeline of new investigational drugs includes potential therapies for oncology, immunology and virology. In oncology, it is studying several immuno-oncology (I-O) drug candidates, including bempegaldesleukin, NKTR-255 and NKTR-262. In immunology, it is focused on addressing imbalances in the immune system to restore the body's self-tolerance mechanisms and achieve immune homeostasis. In autoimmune disorders, its IL-2 T-regulatory cell stimulator NKTR-358 is being clinically studied in systemic lupus erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Its programs in virology area include studying bempegaldesleukin in treating individuals affected with COVID-19, and a preclinical research collaboration with Gilead Sciences Inc. (Gilead) to test the combination of NKTR-255.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, Nektar Therapeutics revenues decreased 33% to $101.9M. Net loss increased 18% to $523.8M. Revenues reflect United States segment decrease of 84% to $10.1M. Higher net loss reflects Non-cash interest expense on liabilities increase of 56% to $47.3M (expense), Interest income and other income (expens decrease of 86% to $2.6M (income).
Equity composition
Common Stock $.0001 Par, 04/11, 300M auth., 114,073,353 issd.Insiders own 0.39% . IPO: 5/94,2.15M shares @ $7.50 by Lehman Brothers. PO 12/97, 1.725Mshares @ $24.875 by Lehman Brothers. *NOTE: 2/97, 1.8M shsissued in private placement @ $18/shs. 8/00, 2-for-1 stock split. Sr B Conv. Pfd. $0.0001 Par, 0 o/s.
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