Naturgy Energy Group, S.A. Company profile
About Naturgy Energy Group SA
Naturgy Energy Group SA, formerly Gas Natural SDG SA, is a Spain-based company active in the energy sector. The Company's activities are divided into four business segments: Gas & Electricity, which includes generation and renewables businesses, gas supply, marketing and logistics of liquefied natural gas (LNG) worldwide, as well as gas and electricity commercialization in Europe; Infrastructure Spain & EMPL - Medgaz, which comprises gas and electricity network businesses in Spain and the Maghreb gas pipelines; Infrastructure Latin America South Zone that implies gas and electricity networks businesses in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Peru, and Infrastructure Latin America North Zone, which includes gas and electricity network businesses in Mexico and Panama.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, Naturgy Energy Group SA revenues increased 44% to EUR22.14B. Net income before extraordinary items totaled EUR1.1B vs. loss of EUR371M. Revenues reflect Commercialization segment increase of 26% to EUR7.94B, Renewable and New Business segment increase of 6% to EUR678M, Spain segment increase of 43% to EUR11.43B, Rest of Europe segment increase of 67% to EUR3.27B.
Equity composition
03/2009, Rights Issue, 1 new share for every 1 share held @ EUR 7.82 (Factor: 1.17423). 5/2011, Stock Dividend, 1 new share for every 28 shares held (Factor: 1.03442). 5/2012, Scrip Issue, 1 new share for every 20 shares held (Factor: 1.00945).
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