Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. Company profile
About Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
Mizuho Financial Group Inc is a Japan-based bank holding company mainly engaged in the business of bank holding companies, banks, securities specialist companies and other companies. The Company operates through five business segments. The Retail and Corporate Company segment operates for domestic individuals, small and medium enterprises and mid-sized customers. The Large Corporate, Financial and Public Corporation Company segment operates for clients of large corporate corporations, financial corporations and public corporations in Japan. The Global Corporate Company segment operates for clients of overseas-affiliated Japanese companies and non-Japanese companies. The Global Markets Company segment is engaged in investment business in interest rates, equity, among others. The Asset Management Company segment is engaged in the development and provision of products that meet the asset management needs of clients from individuals to institutional investors.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the nine months ended 31 December 2021, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. interest income decreased 6% to Y932.96B. Net interest income after loan loss provision increased 11% to Y619B. Net income applicable to common stockholders increased 35% to Y478.66B. Net interest income after loan loss provision reflects Interest-Secs. increase of 5% to Y179.67B, Other Interest Income increase of 2% to Y113.8B.
Equity composition
9/04 DWAS was estimated. BEPS=21706.24, DEPS=14175.69. FY'05 reported BEPS=54625.61,DEPS=37719.13. 06/05 reported BEPS=15979.83. FY'09 Q1 reported DWAS=9865.87. 12/05:DPS is estimated. FY'09 Q1 reported EPS=11674.14. FY'08 Q1 BWAS&DWAS estimated. FY'08 4Q BWAS&DWAS were estimated to reflect reported EPS. 01/2009, 1000-for-1 stock split.
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