Legal & General Company profile
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Founded in 1836 in London, Legal & General Group plc (LGEN) is one of the world’s biggest investment management and insurance groups, operating almost $1.1trn assets. The company is the leading UK’s manager of corporate pension schemes and provider of individual life insurance products.
Specialising in safeguarding financial futures, Legal & General offers lifetime mortgages, pensions, life insurance and investment management solutions for more than 10 million customers globally.
With a team of 8,000 specialists, Legal & General operates in the United Kingdom and United States and runs investment management businesses in the Gulf, Asia and Europe.
Listed on the LSE since 1979, the company delivers sustainable growth for its shareholders. Legal & General Group helps customers manage their financial futures by saving money for retirement or investing their funds.
Legal & General share price is set and traded on the London Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol LGEN. The company is a long-time constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. With, you can access LGEN share price rate in real time.
The group is the second-largest institutional investment management firm in Europe after BlackRock, and the tenth-largest investment management company in the world. Looking at the LGEN stock price performance at the beginning of 2021, we can note that it was quite stable. At the beginning of 2021, the price of the Legal & General shares was hovering around 260p-280p. In the past one-year period the Legal & General share price fluctuated within a range of 138.00p-319.30p.
According to the Legal & General Group plc half yearly financial report 2020, the company showed resilient operating earnings of £1.1bn and a robust balance sheet. Still, the group announced the earnings per share of 4.89p for the six months of 2020, which is 66 per cent lower than the EPS of 14.74p announced for the same period in 2019.
Commenting on the company’s performance, the chief executive of Legal & General Group plc, Nigel Wilson, said: “We kept all our employees on full pay, executed significant commercial and investment projects, and continued to provide a reliable service to our customers without any government financial support. We are committed to driving forward an investment-led, climate-friendly Covid recovery incorporating the very best aspects of Inclusive Capitalism.”
You can trade Legal and General shares today with CFDs directly from the interactive LGEN stock chart at Follow the Legal & General share price live and decide whether to open a long or a short trade, depending on the stock’s performance. Track the LGEN stock and include this British financial services and asset management company in your investment portfolio.
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