Herald Investment Trust Company profile
About Herald Investment Trust plc
Herald Investment Trust plc (Herald) is a United Kingdom-based investment company. The Company's objective is to achieve capital appreciation through investments in smaller quoted companies in the areas of technology, media and telecoms (TMT). The Company’s investments may be made across the world. Herald invests in various sectors, including information technology, broadcasting, printing and publishing and the supply of equipment and services to these companies. It invests in various sectors, including oil and gas, basic materials, consumer goods, industrials, healthcare, consumer services telecommunications, financials and technology. The alternative investment fund manager and portfolio manager of the Company is Herald Investment Management Limited (HIML).
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, Herald Investment Trust plc revenues decreased 29% to £298.1M. Net income decreased 31% to £280.4M. Revenues reflect Unrealized Capital Gains/Losses - Total decrease of 50% to £147.8M, Interest Income - Investment decrease of 46% to £658K, Other income decrease of 40% to -£14K. Net income also reflects Miscellaneous expenses increase of 34% to £425K (expense).
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