HDFC Bank Company profile
About HDFC Bank Limited
HDFC Bank Limited (the Bank) is an India-based private sector bank. The Bank caters to a range of banking services covering commercial and investment banking on the wholesale side and transactional/ branch banking on the retail side. The Bank's Treasury segment primarily consists of net interest earnings from the Bank's investment portfolio, money market borrowing and lending, gains or losses on investment operations and on account of trading in foreign exchange and derivative contracts. The Retail Banking segment serves retail customers through the Bank's branch network and other channels. The Wholesale Banking segment provides loans, non-fund facilities and transaction services to large corporates, emerging corporates, public sector units, government bodies, financial institutions and medium scale enterprises. The Other Banking Operations segment includes income from Para banking activities, such as credit cards, debit cards and third-party product distribution, among others.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the nine months ended 31 December 2021, HDFC Bank Limited interest income increased 5% to RS1.004T. Net interest income after loan loss provision increased 14% to RS431.1B. Net income increased 18% to RS276.1B. Net interest income after loan loss provision reflects Interest&Dividend-Invest Sec AFS/HTM increase of 14% to RS193.95B, Interest / discount on advances / bills increase of 3% to RS783.52B.
Equity composition
07/2011, 5-for-1 Stock split.
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