Getinge Company profile
About Getinge AB
Getinge AB is a Sweden-based company operating within healthcare sector. The Company provides hospitals and Life Science institutions with products and solutions aimed at improving clinical outcomes and optimizing workflows. The Company’s reporting segments have the following activities: Acute Care Therapies develops solutions for life-sustaining care in acute health conditions. Life Science offers a comprehensive range of equipment, technical expertise and prevention consultation contamination in pharmaceutical production, biomedical research, production of medical equipment and in various laboratory applications. Surgical Workflows offers products and services for the effective disinfection and sterilization of instruments used in operations, operating tables and others hardware for operating rooms and advanced IT systems for efficient and secure workflows in hospitals.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, GetingeAB revenues decreased 9% to SEK27.05B. Net incomeapplicable to common stockholders decreased 8% to SEK2.97B.Revenues reflect a decrease in demand for the Company'sproducts and services due to unfavorable market conditions.Net income also reflects Research & Development Expenditure, Cap decrease of 19% to SEK346M (income), Acquisitionexpenses increase from SEK8M to SEK35M (expense).
Equity composition
April 2001: Bonus Issue, adjustment factor 0.9717.November 2003: Stock Split in the ratio 1:4. 02/2008,Rights Issue, 1 new share for every 16 shares held @ SEK120 (Factor: 1.014783). 11/2008, Rights Issue, 1 new sharefor every 9 shares held @ SEK 83.5 (Factor: 1.01930).
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