Gerdau Company profile
About Gerdau SA (ADR)
Gerdau SA is a Brazil-based manufacturer of steel products. The Company is engaged in the production and commercialization of steel products in general, through its mills located in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, the United States, Mexico, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. The Firm’s product portfolio includes crude steel; finished products for the construction industry, such as rebar, wire-rods, structural shapes, hot-rolled coils and heavy plates; finished industrial products, such as commercial rolled-steel bars, light profiles and wires; agricultural products, such as stakes, smooth wire and barbed-wire; and special steel items. The Company’s activities include also operations of iron ore mines located in the state of Minas Gerais.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021, Gerdau SA (ADR) revenues increased 79% to R$78.35B. Net income increased from R$2.37B to R$15.49B. Revenues reflect Unit Brazil segment increase of 96% to R$34.76B, Unit North America segment increase of 59% to R$27.84B, Unit Special Steel segment increase of 80% to R$10.98B, Brazil segment increase from R$18.8B to R$37.73B, North America segment increase of 60% to R$32.04B.
Equity composition
American Depositary Shares Common Stock no Par, 12/09, 1500M auth., 496,586,494 issd., less 1,697,538 shares in Treas. @ $124.7M. Preferred Stock no Par, 3B auth., 934,793,732 issd., less 9,083,997 in Treas. @ Cost. ADS =1,000 Pref. Stock. IPO: N/A. 04/06,3-for-2 stock split. 06/08,2-for-1 stk. split. 12/08, GAAP & Currency change to
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