Games Workshop Group Company profile
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Games Workshop, often referred to as GW, is the leading producer of miniature wargames, based in Nottingham, UK. The company is famous for its major brands Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000. Additionally, Games Workshop holds a licence for the Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit tabletop battle game.
Founded in 1975 by John Peake, Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, Games Workshop started as a manufacturer of wooden boards for games including mancala, Nine Men’s Morris, backgammon and Go. Later on, the company imported a popular US role-playing game – Dungeons & Dragons, and started publishing its own wargames and role-playing games.
The company developed, produced and expanded a wealth of miniatures under the Games Workshop name. It also publishes and sells books and accessories for different hobby activities, including painting guides, novels and rulebooks.
Initiated as a solely British company, today Games Workshop has direct sales operations in the United States, Australia, Japan and China. With 70 per cent of sales incoming from outside the United Kingdom, Games Workshop is a truly international company.
Games Workshop is a vertically integrated business, preserving control over all the aspects of design, manufacture and distribution of its models and rulebooks. It offers its products through a network of 400 retail stores in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, China, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. It also sells its products through more than 4,000 game and hobby shops around the world.
The Games Workshop Group plc stock floated on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) in October 1994 under the ticker symbol GAW. The GAW share price trading started at 124.00p and moved up to 11,730.00p by January 2021. In 2020, the Games workshop stock price fluctuated within a range of 3,564.00p – 12,159.00p.
According to the company’s half-yearly results for the six months of 2020, Games Workshop’s revenue comprised £186.8m, which is 25 per cent higher from the £148.4m earned for the same period in 2019. The company’s earnings per share also increased from 145.9p, in the second half of 2019, to 226.1p in the second half of 2020.
Today you can trade GAW shares with CFDs directly from the interactive Games Workshop share price chart at Follow the Games Workshop share price live and decide whether to open a long or a short trade, depending on the stock’s performance. Track the GAW stock price today and include this popular gaming platform into your investment portfolio.
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