Energean Oil & Gas Company profile
About Energean PLC
Energean plc is a United Kingdom-based exploration and production (E&P) company. The Company is engaged in the exploration, production and commercialization of crude oil and natural gas. It operates under four segments, namely Europe, which includes Greece, Italy, United Kingdom, Croatia; Israel; Egypt, and New Ventures, including Montenegro and Malta. The Company's flagship project is the 3.5 Tcf Karish, Karish North and Tanin development, offshore Israel that uses the FPSO Energean Power to produce gas. The Company's subsidiary consists of Energean E&P Holdings Ltd, Energean Capital Ltd, Energean MED Limited, Energean Oil & Gas S.A., and Energean International Limited, among others.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the six months ended 30 June 2021, Energean PLCrevenues increased from $2.1M to $205.5M. Net lossapplicable to common stockholders decreased 54% to $35.6M.Revenues reflect Europe segment increase from $5.3M to$111.2M. Lower net loss reflects Other Net FinancialIncome/Expens increase from $40.5M to $114M (income). BasicEarnings per Share excluding Extraordinary Items increasedfrom -$0.43 to -$0.20.
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