Eagle Materials Company profile
About Eagle Materials, Inc.
Eagle Materials Inc. is a supplier of heavy construction materials and light building materials in the United States. The Company's business is organized into two sectors within which there are four business segments. The Heavy Materials sector includes the Cement, and Concrete and Aggregates segments. The Light Materials sector includes the Gypsum Wallboard, and Recycled Paperboard segments. The Company's primary products are commodities that are essential in commercial and residential construction; public construction projects; and projects to build, expand, and repair roads and highways. It operates approximately eight modern cement plants, one slag grinding facility, and 29 cement distribution terminals. It operates approximately 26 ready-mix concrete batch plants and three aggregates processing plants in markets. The Company operates approximately five gypsum wallboard plants and a recycled paperboard mill.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the nine months ended 31 December 2021, Eagle Materials, Inc. revenues increased 13% to $1.45B. Net income before extraordinary items increased 12% to $299.9M. Revenues reflect Cement segment increase of 60% to $819.7M, Gypsum Wallboard segment increase of 88% to $502.8M, Paperboard segment increase of 64% to $140.8M. Net income was partially offset by Paperboard segment income decrease of 63% to $6.7M.
Equity composition
Common Stock $.01 Par, 06/11, 100M auth., 44,906,232 issd. Insiders & strategic holders own 9.46%. IPO 4/94, 11,730,000 shs. @ $14 by Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corp. 02/06, 3-for-1 stocksplit.
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