Del Monte Pac Company profile
Track the Del Monte Pac share price today and spot the best levels for profitable CFD trades
Del Monte Pacific Ltd. (DO3) is a multinational food and beverage company with operations spanning the globe. Del Monte Pacific is based in the Philippines with worldwide operations in the production, packaging, marketing and variety breeding of a wide variety of fruit and vegetable products.
Del Monte Pacific has the exclusive right to use the Del Monte brand in the USA, South America, the Philippines, India and Myanmar as well as having licensed these branding rights to a multitude of companies in other countries. The company has more than 6,000 employees and specialises in the packaging and marketing of a large number of private label and sub-licensed produce and beverage brands.
Del Monte Pacific was listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange mainboard on August 2, 1999 and trades under the ticker symbol DO3. The company is majority owned by NutriAsia Pacific Ltd and BlueBell Group Holdings Ltd, both of which are owned by the prominent Campos family originally from the Philippines.
The company has been a net beneficiary of the increased retail food purchases as well as increases in eating and cooking at home around the world as consumers stayed away from restaurants in the face of the coronavirus pandemic of 2020.
The Del Monte Pacific Ltd (DO3) stock has traded within the 52-week range of S$0.076-S$0.285 at an average volume of close to 35.4 million shares per month. The stock began 2021 at S$0.194 before rising steadily to S$0.270 by the middle of April.
DO3 has a market capitalisation of just over $1bn Singapore dollars and posted a negative net income of S$81.4m in 2020 mainly due to increases in investments and land holdings. Revenues increased to S$2.128bn in 2020, up from S$1.954bn the previous year.
You can trade DO3 now with CFDs and open a long or short position, depending on whether you feel the price will rise or fall. By accessing the live price chart on you can view the DO3 share price in real time. CFDs allow you to profit from upward or downward fluctuations in the Del Monte PAC stock price at You can track the DO3 stock price and include this Singapore-listed multinational food and beverage company in your investment portfolio.
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