Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Company profile
About Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A.
Cresud SACIF y A is an Argentina-based company engaged mainly in telecommunications sector. Through its subsidiaries, it operates two segments: Agricultural Business and Urban Properties and Investment Business, which is divided into: Operations Center Argentina and Operations Center Israel. Agricultural Business focuses on acquiring, developing and exploiting agricultural properties. It is involved in farming activities, cattle raising, leasing land to third parties and perform agency and agro-industrial services, including a meat packing plant. Operations Center Argentina is engaged in the development, acquisition and operation of shopping malls, offices and hotels, among others, in Argentina, and owns selective investments outside Argentina. Operations Center Israel includes real estate activities in Israel and abroad, supermarket chain management and telecommunications services, both locally, as well as is engaged in the insurance, pension and provident funds, among others.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the six months ended 31 December 2021, Cresud S.A.C.I.F. y A. revenues increased 46% to P$35.94B. Net income before extraordinary items increased from P$5.58B to P$21.21B. Revenues reflect Farming Production segment increase of 35% to P$20.13B, Shopping Centers segment increase from P$2.93B to P$5.99B, Other Farming Segments increase of 59% to P$4.91B.
Equity composition
02/2008, Rights Issue, 0.56 new shares for every 1 share held @ ARS 5.05 (Factor: 1.046767). 11/2016, Scrip Issue, 0.00774 new share for every 1 share held (Factor: 1.00774). 11/2018,Scrip Issue,0.04295 new share for every 1 share held (Factor: 1.04295). 11/2019, Scrip Issue, 0.02661 new share for every 1 share held (Factor: 1.02661).
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