CityDev Company profile
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CityDev or City Development Limited is a renowned international real estate operating organisation from Singapore. The globally known company has a network of 106 locations in more than 29 regions and countries. The City Development Limited (C09) is listed on the Singapore Exchange.
Launched in 1963, CDL has a geographically-diverse, and income-stable portfolio consisting of hotels, offices, shopping malls, residences, serviced apartments, and integrated development. The multinational real estate operating company has 55 years of experience in investment, management, and real estate development.
The company has developed and constructed over 46,000 houses and owns more than 24 million square feet of floor area around the world. It has a diversified land banking offering 3.4 million square feet of developable total floor area.
Mainly, CDL operates via four different segments, including property development (developing and buying properties/homes for sale), hotel operations (owning and managing hotels), rental properties (developing and purchasing investment homes for lease), and other segments (comprising investment management and consultancy services). The CityDev group is also developing a fund management business and targets to achieve US$5 billion in Assets Under Management (AUM) by 2023.
The CityDev stock price floated on the Singapore stock exchange (SGX) under the ticker symbol C09. According to the company’s full-year 2020 financial report, released on February 26, 2021, the leading real estate giant posted a 61.9 per cent plunge in total revenues by dropping from $3.4 billion in 2019 to $2.1 billion in 2020.
Looking at the Citydev share price performance at the beginning of 2021, we can note that it was performing a bit sideways. The price of the City Development Limited (C09) stock fluctuated around 7-8 SGD. In the last one-year period the CityDev stock price ranged from 6.11-9.30 SGD.
You can trade CityDev shares today with CFDs directly from the interactive C09 stock chart at Follow the Citydev share price live and decide whether to open a long or a short trade, depending on the stock’s performance. Track the C09 stock and include this Singapore-based real-estate management company in your investment portfolio.
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