China Construction Bank Company profile
About China Construction Bank Corporation
CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK CORPORATION is a commercial bank. The Bank operates its businesses through corporate banking businesses, including corporate deposit, corporate credit loan, asset custody, enterprise annuity, trade financing, international settlement, international financing and value-added services, among others, personal banking businesses, including personal deposit, loan, bank card services, private bank services, foreign exchange trading and gold trading services, among others, and capital business. The Bank operates its businesses in domestic and overseas markets.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the nine months ended 30 September 2021, ChinaConstruction Bank Corporation interest income increased 10%to RMB783.34B. Net interest income after loan lossprovision increased 26% to RMB306.1B. Net income increased13% to RMB232.15B. Net interest income after loan lossprovision reflects increase in interest earning assets anddecrease in interest bearing liabilities.
Equity composition
IPO on 27 October 2005 by Morgan Stanley, CapitalCorporation Limited and CCBInternational Limited @ HK$2.35.11/2010, Rights Issue, .7 new shares for every 10 sharesheld @ HKD 4.38 (Factor: 1.030882). 11/2010, Right Issue,.7 new shares for every 10 shares held @ CNY 3.77 (Factor:1.019611).
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