Cancom Company profile
About Cancom SE
Cancom SE is a German provider of Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and services. The Company diversifies its activities into two business segments: Cloud Solutions and IT Solutions. The Cloud Solutions business segment comprises CANCOM Pironet AG & Co, Pironet AG and synaix Service GmbH, among others. It mainly comprises the Company's Group cloud and shared managed services, including project-related cloud hardware, software and services. The IT Solutions business segment includes CANCOM GmbH, CANCOM ICT Service GmbH and CANCOM SCS GmbH, among others. It offers IT infrastructure and applications support. The range of services provided by the Company's IT Solutions segment includes IT strategy advice, project planning and implementation, system integration, maintenance, training and other IT services, including operation of entire IT departments. The Company is active primarily in Germany and Austria.
Financial summary
BRIEF: For the nine months ended 30 September 2021, Cancom SE revenues increased 13% to EUR947.9M. Net income before extraordinary items increased 72% to EUR31.3M. Revenues reflect IT Solutions segment increase of 57% to EUR474.1M, Cloud solutions segment increase of 22% to EUR100.9M. Net income benefited from Other Operating Income increase from EUR988K to EUR6.3M (income), Other operating expenses decrease of 9% to EUR34M (expense).
Equity composition
11/2013, Rights Issue, 1 new share for every 5 shares held @ EUR23 (Factor: 1.03702).
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